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Equine Rescue, Inc. provides sanctuary to all the horses that cannot be adopted and does not euthanize for space.


Although Equine Rescue, Inc. is limited in the number of horses they can help, the ones they do help are promised a home for life.

Sponsor a Horse

Sponsored horses remain at the rescue for the rest of their lives. Your sponsorship of $250 goes towards their care throughout the year. We can accept a one-time payment or you can pay $25 per month through PayPal.

It would make a special treat for yourself or better yet - a nice gift to a loved one.

To see who is available, simply scroll down. 

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This link allows you to pay $25 / month

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Registered Name: Book of Life

Registry: US Trotting Horse; #W44609

Age: 12 years old; DOB 4/13/2000

Size: 15 hands

Markings: Freeze branded – W4460

Booker came to ERI in August 2010.  He was shipped to the Goshen Track from California and sustained a terrible injury in transit.  Upon arrival at the track – the owners gave no veterinary care to Booker.  He lay in a stall for 8 weeks until a kind woman contacted us and told us about his plight.

Our Vet evaluated him and determined that he should be given a chance at life.  He was brought to the clinic first, since his leg required multiple serious procedures to try to curb the infection and promote the healing of such an old wound.  He also had multiple bed sores from not being able to stand for so long.  I don’t handle the gory well – so I steered clear of the aisle for bandage changes.  But, when everyone was gone I would put him on the cross ties and groom him. I felt that I needed to try to redeem humans in his eyes.  Silly me, he knew the moment we met that things were going to be okay.

He lived in bandages, which were changed daily for the first 30 days, for 1 year with complete stall rest.  He never got mean or angry – he was always a perfect gentleman.  He loves to make ‘ugly’ faces at you, but that is all that they are – faces.  He would never consider acting out in any way.  Booker has an amazing personality - gentle and funny with just enough quirks to make you want to hug his neck forever.

He is now healed.  Horribly scarred – but healed. He does play rough with others and is turned out next to others, but alone.


This pretty girl has been at Equine Rescue since April 2007, when she and fellow residents Finnegan, Maureen, and Mickey were brought to us. Pulled from a kill pen in 2006, Devon had been living at a farm whose owner became ill with cancer.  Unfortunately, the fate of the horses suffered as their owner’s illness progressed, and soon Devon was in critical condition, herself.

The healthy Thoroughbred mare you see today looks nothing like she did when she arrived emaciated and loaded with rain rot and ringworm. We dove into her rehabilitation and Devon bounced back. Twice, she was almost adopted, but her hind end flared up with lameness from an injury we think she got on the racetrack. Her deep flexor tendon has been compromised and continues to deteriorate, making her ineligible to be ridden. In fact, we have to closely monitor her turnout time, because this mare’s fire refuses to be contained, and she will so thoroughly invest herself in playtime that she becomes her own worst enemy.

We have decided to make Devon a permanent resident here, as we have come to know her so well and feel most capable of keeping her healthy. Horses can live well into their forties; since Devon was born in 1999, we hope to have her around for years to come.


It’s hard to hold it against Gabriella for being so skittish with people. She’s come a long way since she arrived here in 2004, but the years of abuse and neglect have left a lasting impression on this Arab/Saddlebred crossed mare.

Gabriella was born in 1997, and is one of three mares brought here from the aftermath of a cruelty case in Sullivan County. Her condition upon arrival was among the worst imaginable. She’d been starved and neglected. Two areas of skin on her face had grown over the halter abandoned to rot on her. Rain rot draped her body and her feet hadn’t been trimmed in quite some time.  Her skin stretched tight over the bones that seemed to be poking through it. Yet her belly protruded in spite of her clearly starved state- she was 10 months pregnant.

Weak as she was, Gabby’s spirit was undefeated. She battled her way back to health and somehow managed to deliver a healthy foal, which has since been adopted. She, too was adopted. Twice. But both times to families whose lives took unanticipated turns, and they were unable to continue caring for her. As per our policy, they returned her to us.

Now, at 22 years old, she has become a permanent resident.  Age has brought metabolic issues that require daily medication.  Since we know her best & love her endlessly we are her forever home.


Lydia is a victim of hoarding. Her owner accumulated forty-seven horses up in the Finger Lakes area. Forty-seven Thoroughbreds- some pregnant, some babies, were starving due to their conditions when the Finger Lakes SPCA rescued them in June 2009. Within the herd of emaciated, frightened horses, was Lydia.

Five years old. Never handled. Starving. Scared. The SPCA knew this horse needed more attention than they could provide, and they called us. We were happy to accept her into our brood, and could not be more thrilled with her progress.

In the years since she’s been here, Lydia has filled out in mind and body. She makes a graceful picture under saddle as she steadily improves in her walk, trot, and canter ring work.  She trailers like an old pro and adores being pampered.  

Being a Thoroughbred she can be a handful.  She came with some scaring on her right hind leg – we had no idea what happened to her.  In the years since her arrival she has come a long way – but, that old injury flared up while she was cavorting in the field with her friends one day and seems to have ended her riding career.  We love her, we understand her – we’re her forever home now.

Lana Lancome

Registered Name:  aka Lana

Registry: Draft cross

Age: 15 years; DOB 1997

Size: 15.3 hands

Markings: Chestnut mare with a star & stripe

Lana came to ERI in 2009 along with Samich & Vivian.  All were in horrible condition – the owner was charged with and found guilty of animal cruelty/neglect.

We are guessing that she was a PMU baby – due to her size and stature.  She was never handled properly and was rather difficult in the beginning.  We started working with her regularly and she caught on quickly.

In 2010, we started her under saddle and she became lame.  Radiographs indicated advanced arthritis in both hocks.  She was adopted out once and returned due to her rather forward and bossy personality. She’s since developed a deep attachment to Gabriella and they spend all of their time together – either in the field or in stalls right next to each other.  She’s found her forever home with us.

The Girls

Thundering across the field


Equine Rescue Inc. is a Gold-Level GuideStar participant, demonstrating its commitment to transparency!


Every day, the world over, wild and domestic animals are abandoned, displaced, or injured by humans and natural causes. The sole purpose of The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) is to ensure that these animals receive the highest standards of care during rescue, rehabilitation, and the rest of their life.

We are the only globally recognized organization for certifying that a facility meets the GFAS Standards of Excellence and recognizes those as a true “sanctuary.” As such, facilities around the world, large and small, come to GFAS for guidance and support in achieving and maintaining GFAS status.

Think of us as you are shopping for supplies - Amazon gives and it costs you nothing!

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